Tuesday, March 12, 2013

29 Springs Eternal: Birthday Celebration!

I just celebrated yet another birthday (yea, me!) and now, I'm enjoying some time off.   I wanted to re-capture the great Spring Break that I had last year.... But, I'm a planner.  And, if we trust the age from my driver's license - I'm old enough to realize that I enjoy making plans. 

So, for this Spring Break - I decided to make a list of things that I would enjoy doing with the stipulation that those plans have to flow with how I feel in the morning when I rise.  And, of course NO ALARMS - I'll just wake up naturally and ease into my day.....

Every year, I do some type of gratefulness project for my birthday - and, this year is no different..... The Great Gratefulness Project of 2013 starts by making a list of 29 things that I am grateful for (in no particular order).  Technically, I'm a little older than 29, but since 29 - much like hope - springs eternal there will be 29 things on my list.
  1. I'm so grateful that I have been abundantly blessed with so much more than I have ever deserved
  2. Sunshine on a bright beautiful day
  3. I know that I am loved
  4. I love others, or maybe I'm grateful that I'm able to love others
  5. XOXO - I have about 20 different handbags (different colors count right?)
  6. Although, I'm not at 100% - I'm so much healthier than I was this time last year
  7. I have a wonderful mom that supports me
  8. I have an amazing family!
  9. I have great friends that surround me with smiles and laughter
  10. I have food to eat (and since, I'm having such a difficult time losing my "top" stomach - I probably should say " I have delicious, and not necessarily totally nutritious food that I really enjoy eating"  LOL!)
  11. I have a place - that I love - to live in
  12. I have a car to drive
  13. I have gas in my car ($3.59 per gallon today, it was about $1.29 per gallon the year I graduated from high school....)
  14. I have stories of gas prices "back in the old days..." just like my mom (OMG!)
  15. I have the absolute best doctor in metro Atlanta (Dr. Robert "Bob" Goldman)
  16. I'm growing and evolving as a person
  17. Some time off - means some time to sew and create!
  18. Me Made Mondays (MMM) - Thanks L for that great suggestion!
  19. Always forgetting to take pictures on MMM (I am who I am!)
  20. Embracing who I am as a person - and, loving that GIRL!
  21. And, I'm okay with being verbally aggressive **pounding on desk** (I get it from my momma, and she gets it from hers) 
  22. Sunshine... Just realized that I already wrote that, but I'm so happy to see the sun after the last few dreary and gray months in Atlanta
  23. Lazy Days - although, I haven't had one in a while.... About time I catch up. 
  24. I've had a great start to my vacation 
  25. It's warming up, so my light bill should be sliding down! 
  26. I have an entire week (Audrey's Spring Break) to celebrate my birthday
  27. I wore pants (V8541 Black) that I made on my b-day - Me Made Monday (and, of course I forgot to take pics) 
  28. Once a Girl Scout.... Always a Girl Scout - well, now I'm a volunteer
  29. Special Google Doodle just for my birthday:
When I'm logged in as me - It says "Happy Birthday Audrey!"

Needles Up,
Always Audrey


  1. I really enjoyed this post! I love that you don't take things for granted. We would all be so much happier if we focused more on what we have been blessed with and less on what we want. I really hope that you were blessed with an amazing birthday. Thank you for sharing; I needed to read this today.

    1. I agree. We need to spend more time being grateful because if we take a moment, we will realize that we have so much more than we think.

      Thanks so much for commenting!

  2. May you have 29 on top of 29 on top of 29 more! Enjoy your break.

    1. Thanks so much, L!
      And, I really appreciate you introducing me to Me Made Mondays.... And, yes - I have been wearing the heck out of my Tweed skirt!
